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piM1 info from MUSE



Hi Peter,

I cam to the realization that we already gave you the input decks, for turtle and g4beamline as they were at the time, back in January 2019
when we submitted a beamline report. I extracted the relevant pages from the pdf and attached them here.

We continued to do calculations, and I also attach here one of the last turtle calculation input decks I used, the file FOR001.DAT.
There are various fine differences from the report, such as:

- This particular input deck used an input ray file, something we mainly used for muons, but also tested with Geant4 generated electrons.
The point beam option is the default, though you will notice even that is larger in angle than we presented in the beamline report.

- We implemented various magnet tunes we had used and fine corrections options, so there are several options for each magnet. The default option is still there, commented out.

- We looked at the vacuum system, and as a result broke up some drifts into multiple steps, putting in apertures where vacuum pipes met and teh shape changed.
You might notice this also included a drift to the GEMs and then the target, as an example.

Finally, I have also attached the standard turtle manual in case you do not have it, and it is helpful. There were some upgrades to the code that are not documented in this manual, but it is pretty complete.



Hi Peter,

I should make one final comment, which is that we do know from our calorimeter energy scans that the beam does tend to get much wider as we go down to the lowest momenta - we even tried 20 MeV/c once.

Of course, from past experience I always worry about how magnetic systems will perform when you go below their nominal lower limit — whether there are fringe fields and magnetizable structures that have relatively larger effects.

In PiM1 these effects are of course mixed in with the effect of the beam line windows and air in the IFP region.



-- Peter Kammel - 2023-10-14

Hi Peter,

Sorry for the delay, things are, of course, quite busy. Here is a google drive containing the standard g4BL input files that MUSE has been using.
G4beamline is set so that it reads in a particle source file, and that file was generated by TURTLE to ensure consistency between the two simulations,
and keep particle position and momentum correlations. We also use ASM11 and ASM12 field maps.

Please let me know if you have any questions running the simulation.




Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
Unknown file formatdat FOR001.DAT r1 manage 11.1 K 2023-10-14 - 22:35 PeterKammel  
Unknown file formatdat FOR001N.DAT r1 manage 9.9 K 2023-10-14 - 22:34 PeterKammel  
PDFpdf PlotsForPK.pdf r1 manage 880.9 K 2023-10-14 - 22:30 PeterKammel  
PDFpdf beam_report_2018.pdf r1 manage 5931.4 K 2023-10-14 - 22:36 PeterKammel  
Topic revision: r2 - 2023-10-23 - PeterKammel
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