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Meeting reports


  • Start with Kolya's analysis update
  • Update from Caspar Gutsche, PSI
  • Discuss the new beam line designs and their requirements
  • Clarify the arguments for training the model with pions and/or muons. Everybody agreed
    that both have to be done in the end, but we did not fully discuss the pros and cons for starting
    with a restricted and more efficient model vs a full model.
  • Intro to running piE5 G4BL. Urs and Peter


In the BD dynamic meeting today Andy presented his ideas on how to proceed

building on Paul's work, followed by a discussion at each step. Anna stressed the

importance of a measurement based approach for the final optimization and of the

G4BL based studies to guide the required statistics and sensitivities. She might

have a master student interested in the AI/ML approach. Kolya is taking a class

on this subject and also wants to get involved.

Peter went through the beginning of his AI/ML draft on the pioneer twiki which

is designed as a working document. The initial suggested steps largely coincided

with Andy's verbal plan.

Doug mentioned that in addition to the ML approach, extensions to the current beamline designs

need to be developed. Likely we will always need those as the initial conditions for the

ML optimization range.

We sketched some topics for the next meeting in two weeks.

- Start with Kolya's analysis update

- Discuss the new beam line designs and their requirements

- Clarify the arguments for training the model with pions and/or muons. Everybody agrees

that both have to be done in the end, but we did not fully discuss the pros and cons for starting

with a restricted and more efficient model vs a full model.

Anna will invite Giovanni for the next meetings.

-- Peter Kammel - 2024-04-02


Topic revision: r1 - 2024-04-02 - PeterKammel
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