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若標示或宣稱具 N95效果之醫用口罩者,其口罩之防護效率及呼吸氣阻抗罩之防護效率及呼吸氣阻抗「拋棄式防塵口罩」D2 等級之性能規格要求。

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醫療用口罩差別圖 / 生活新態度

針對防護空汙 PM2.5 細懸浮微粒,作為民眾於日常生活中空氣污染環境下過濾粒狀物所需配戴之防護型口罩

標準將口罩之防護效果分為 A(PM2.5 濃度 350 以下)、B(PM2.5 濃度 230 以下)、C(PM2.5 濃度 140 以下)、D(PM2.5 濃度 70 以下)四個等級

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其中 A 級防護規範相當於 N99 規格,屬於最高防護等級,能針對紫爆等空汙極度嚴重的環境提最安全的保障。

所謂的 N95、R95、P95 以及濾菌功能更高的 N99、R99、P99,甚至 N100、R100 及 P100 等型口罩,都能有效過濾懸浮微粒或病菌;

N95 類型口罩主要是防嚴重病毒、重工業粉塵汙染,可阻擋 95% 以上次微米顆粒,因此在密合度、密閉性方面有特殊要求,呼吸阻抗較高配戴起來會比較悶,戴久了也容易缺氧、頭暈、呼吸困難。

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  • 護照
  • 電子簽證
  • 數位疫苗證明
  • 信用卡 →VISA、Master各帶一張
  • 外幣
  • 國際駕照 →如果租車自駕才需要帶
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二、衣物類 (視要去的天數與氣候準備)

  • 白天要穿的衣服
  • 內衣褲
  • 泳衣泳褲 →如果有計畫水上活動
  • 遮陽帽
  • 太陽眼鏡
  • 鞋子 →可以準備一雙拖鞋
  • 襪子 →如果夏天打算穿涼鞋就免帶
  • 睡衣
  • 禦寒衣物 →如果要去很冷的地方,可以多帶手套/帽子/圍巾/發熱衣等
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  • 手機
  • 行動電源 →不可托運!記得放在隨身包
  • 手機充電器
  • 萬用插頭 →如果去電壓不同的國家可以自備轉接頭,以防電壓不同造成電器損壞
  • 自拍棒
  • Wi-Fi分享器/上網卡
  • 耳機
  • 筆電
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  • 錢包/鑰匙
  • 水瓶或保溫瓶 →自備瓶子,登機前可以裝水帶上去
  • 筆 →填寫入境卡要用到
  • 行李秤 →有的話可以帶一下,隨時可以秤秤自己行李多重,以防超重
  • 塑膠袋 →可以將換下來的衣物分裝隔開
  • 環保餐具
  • 雨傘
  • 酒精噴瓶 →出外還是要記得勤消毒
Topic revision: r1 - 2024-10-24 - SimpleJob
__Powering the Future: The Importance of Electric Vehicle Courses in Today’s Green Economy__


The rise of electric vehicles (EVs) is one of the most significant shifts in the automotive industry in recent history. Driven by the need for sustainable solutions to climate change and diminishing fossil fuel supplies, EVs have become a beacon for a greener future. With global EV sales projected to rise dramatically, so too is the demand for skilled professionals trained in EV technology. An electric vehicle course offers invaluable insights into this fast-evolving sector, helping participants build the skills needed to lead in an environmentally conscious world.

The Global Push for Electric Vehicles

Governments and industries worldwide are making significant moves to support the transition from traditional internal combustion engines to electric mobility. Countries like the United States, Norway, and China have introduced incentives to encourage EV purchases and set ambitious goals for EV adoption. EVs now make up a growing share of the global automotive market, with new models continually entering the market, covering everything from compact cars to heavy-duty trucks.

The primary driver of this transition is sustainability. EVs produce no tailpipe emissions, reducing urban pollution and significantly lowering greenhouse gas emissions compared to gasoline-powered vehicles. Additionally, as more countries invest in renewable energy sources like wind and solar power, EVs have the potential to operate on clean energy, making them an even greener choice.

Why Electric Vehicle Knowledge Matters

The growth of the EV market means there’s a growing demand for professionals who understand EV technology. Traditional automotive skills, while valuable, don’t cover the specifics of electric drivetrains, battery systems, or charging infrastructures. An EV course helps bridge this knowledge gap, giving students a solid foundation in EV-specific technologies.

These courses offer a comprehensive look at the core components that make EVs unique, including battery management systems, electric motors, and power electronics. As companies race to develop the next generation of EVs, employees who understand these components will be highly valued. For engineers, technicians, and even business strategists, an electric vehicle course can be the key to a successful career in this growing industry.

Key Topics Covered in Electric Vehicle Courses

  1. Battery Technology: The battery is the heart of every EV. Courses cover types of batteries used (like lithium-ion), battery management systems, thermal management, and safety protocols. Understanding battery technology is essential, as it directly impacts an EV’s range, charging time, and longevity.

  2. Electric Motors and Power Electronics: EVs rely on electric motors rather than internal combustion engines. Courses teach students about motor design, types of motors used (such as AC induction and permanent magnet motors), and the role of power electronics in controlling motor functions.

  3. Charging Infrastructure: Charging is a critical aspect of EV adoption. Courses often cover the types of charging (Level 1, 2, and DC fast charging), the infrastructure needed to support a large-scale EV rollout, and the challenges involved in deploying charging stations.

  4. Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) Technology: V2G technology allows EVs to feed energy back into the grid, creating a sustainable loop of energy consumption and supply. This is a growing field, especially with the rise in renewable energy sources that depend on grid storage.

  5. Policy and Environmental Impact: EV courses often address the policies shaping the industry, such as subsidies, carbon taxes, and environmental regulations. Understanding these policies is crucial for anyone looking to work in EV-related fields, as they impact market trends and technology development.

  6. Software and Diagnostics: Modern EVs are highly software-dependent, requiring advanced diagnostics and software skills. Courses teach students how to manage and troubleshoot EV software systems, from performance monitoring to safety diagnostics.

Career Opportunities for EV Course Graduates

Completing an EV course opens doors to a wide array of career paths. Some popular options include:

  • EV Design Engineer: Working on the design of electric motors, batteries, and other core components.

  • Battery Engineer: Specializing in the development and management of EV batteries.

  • Charging Infrastructure Manager: Overseeing the installation and maintenance of EV charging networks.

  • Policy Analyst: Working with governments or NGOs to develop policies that support EV adoption.

  • Software Developer: Focusing on software solutions specific to EVs, such as diagnostic and performance software.

Why Now is the Time to Enroll in an EV Course

As the EV industry expands, competition for skilled professionals is increasing. Enrolling in an EV course today can give students a significant edge in the job market, helping them develop the skills necessary to excel in this innovative field. With the global push toward electric mobility, these skills are only going to grow in demand.

Many EV courses now offer hands-on experience through partnerships with leading automotive companies, allowing students to apply their knowledge in real-world settings. These partnerships are a critical component of modern EV courses, as they give students invaluable insights and connections in the industry.

Selecting the Right EV Course

Not all EV courses are created equal. When choosing a course, consider the following factors:

  1. Curriculum Depth: Ensure the course covers both the fundamentals of EV technology and emerging trends.

  2. Hands-On Learning: Look for courses with practical components, such as labs or projects.

  3. Industry Connections: Some courses offer partnerships or internships with automotive companies, which can be beneficial for career prospects.

  4. Expert Instructors: Courses taught by industry professionals can provide practical insights that purely academic programs might lack.


The electric vehicle industry is transforming transportation and playing a critical role in the transition to a more sustainable future. As demand for EVs and supporting infrastructure grows, so does the need for skilled professionals. Enrolling in an EV course provides invaluable knowledge, practical skills, and a competitive edge in this rapidly evolving field. For those passionate about sustainability, technology, and innovation, an EV course is a powerful step toward a fulfilling and impactful career.

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