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臨床治療濕疹經驗告訴我們, 濕疹真的不是皮膚病, 而是血液問題、內臟問題及身體免疫系統受擾亂而導致的皮膚病, 所以我們必須要了解清楚, 到底什麼物質在破壞身體的內臟功能, 在污染血液(或令血液流動受阻), 在擾亂身體的免疫系統而令免疫系統抗奮(IGE, IGG, IGA), 而產生濕疹問題(所以治療前必須找出引發濕疹根源) 。

皮膚敏感粒粒急救 皮膚起粒粒 皮膚生粒粒 嚴重濕疹 面部濕疹怎麼辦 濕疹印 皮膚乾燥痕癢 身體痕癢

一. 內在因素
二. 外在因素

一. 內在因素: (直接因素)

  1. DNA遺傳

  2. 母體遺傳:

毛孔角化症 皮膚角質化 皮膚 敏感 臉 敏感 皮膚 敏感 怎麼 辦
  1. 過敏原: 食物中特別是高蛋白食物、白糖、食物添加劑、香味添加劑、咖啡、酒、(含YEST)發酵食物、貓狗毛、塵埃、花粉、霉菌、環境污染化學毒素(例如: POP、DDT、PCB、HCH……)

  2. 重金屬毒素: 鉛、水銀、鎘、鎳、鉮(直接影響各內臟, 特別是脾胃及肝功能、神經、血液及免疫所致)

  3. 腸漏症(Hyper permeability Gut Syndrome): 因小腸內層絨毛膜因為種種因素(請參考腸漏症與濕疹篇)失去了完整性, 使小腸的滲透力增加, 未消化的較大份子蛋白質或代謝物等會因此直接進入腸淋巴系統(GALT)刺激活化細胞介素, 活化自體免疫系統再去攻擊某些基因系統器官引發敏感或過敏反應

皮膚粒粒痕 皮膚紅點癢 身體出紅疹 皮膚敏感泛紅 皮膚敏感紅印 面皮膚敏感 皮膚痕癢解決 日月魚濕疹 濕疹皮膚 濕疹 粒粒 香薰 油 用法
  1. 消化不良: 消化酵素及胃液分泌不足所致

  2. 骨肌神經: 影響內臟功能及令血液受阻所致

  3. 排毒、排便不正常令血液受污染

  4. 情緒: 壓力令交感神經過度活躍而產生炎症及削弱免疫系統

  5. 體內缺乏某些營養素, 例如: 奧米加3不足, 維他命A、B、C、E不足, 礦物質(鈣、錳、鋅)及氨基酸不足

皮膚 敏感 粒 粒 皮膚痕癢粒粒 精油用法 皮膚分析 手臂粒粒 角質層增生 角質層厚 毛囊角化症治療 手臂 油脂 粒 皮膚炎面部 毛囊角質化 毛囊 角質 化 皮膚敏感 紅疹 出紅疹 皮膚過敏紅疹 皮膚敏感種類 皮膚粒粒 面部敏感 出疹原因 轉天氣 皮膚敏感 面部皮膚敏感粒粒

二. 外在因素(會令濕疹惡化)

  1. 氣候的轉變
    a. 氣候乾燥, 容易令乾性濕疹惡化
    b. 氣候燜熱、潮濕會容易令濕性濕疹惡化

  2. 沖涼時間太長或水溫過熱: 皮膚吸收氯氣令皮膚乾燥並刺激皮炎

  3. 長期依賴抑制性藥物, 例如: (消炎藥、類固醇、止痕藥)

  4. 長期暴曬太陽, 過量運動使血液升溫, 產生血熱

  5. 不良的飲食及生活習慣(人為因素)

芳香療法 芳療 精油 按摩 薰衣草 精油 功效 精油 功效 薰衣草 精油 精油 用法 苦 橙 葉 精油 苦 橙 葉 精油 功效 精油擴香 精油泡澡 毛囊 角 化 症 手臂 粒 粒 毛囊角化 角質 層 厚 角質 層 增生


  1. 最難醫的濕疹是DNA遺傳性濕疹與及明知道哪些食物是過敏原,但偏偏就要進食的濕疹患者。

  2. 多年前因重金屬擾亂內臟、血液、神經、免疫系統而引發的濕疹, 療效較慢, 近幾年因自然醫學有更具療效的方劑, 可在短時間內排走重金屬, 所以臨床治療因重金屬毒素而引發的濕疹一點都不難醫治。

  3. 相信很多人士及不少專業人士都未必了解腸漏症(Leaky Gut Syndrome), 其實腸漏症引發的濕疹很普遍, 據統計80%以上的過敏症(包括濕疹)與腸漏症有關係, 大部份個案在嬰兒時期已出現腸漏症問題。

  4. 臨床治療分四步驟: Remove(去除過敏原), Replace(替化補充), Reinoculate(再接種), Repair(修復腸粘膜Villi絨毛膜層), 基本上濕疹在兩個星期後已開始穩定直至痊癒(三個月左右), 所以也並不難醫。

5.因食物過敏原或其他過敏原物質擾亂免疫系統而引發的濕疹: 在治療前先做96種Standard Foods(IGG、IGE/IGA)或/及64種Inhalants(IGE)、16種Inhalants(IGG)檢測等……了解哪些物質是過敏原及是否有腸漏症問題, 有需要再檢測是否有重金屬在擾亂免疫系統(特別是濕疹上頭部的patient, 找到了根源作針對性治療。
如果濕疹患者在治療中能密切配合(因需要避開過敏原), 臨床治療並非太有難度, 治療最成功的是, 並非只是濕疹痊癒, 同時鼻敏感、哮喘治癒(當然治療過程需要些時間) 。

皮膚角質增生 角質 增生 毛囊 角 化 症 原因 毛囊 角 化 症 改善 毛囊角化症飲食 濕疹止癢方法 濕疹自然好 傷口出水 皮膚敏感止痕方法 濕疹止痕 傷口不癒合出水 面部痕癢原因 面部皮膚敏感紅腫 面部 皮膚 敏感 面部皮膚發炎 面部 痕 癢 原因

  1. 其它情緒方面、消化、便秘人士所出現的濕疹, 自然醫學都較容易醫治。

  2. 長期依賴類固醇, 抗組織氨等藥物人士, 治療過程有配合MD徙手療法, 所以停藥後再次呈現的濕疹也就很快消退, 脫離藥物治癒濕疹並不困難。


很多人都受濕疹的困擾,暫時醫學界還沒有明確掌握濕疹的病因,只是認知上了解是由很多關連的內在和外在環境因素引起的過敏反應。這些過敏反應或許是和基因遺傳有關的。 大部分受濕疹困擾的病人,都要長時間調理身體,當天氣轉變時特別是寒冷風起時,或進食辛辣的刺激性物時,病情會更加嚴重。

濕疹初期 濕疹止癢 濕 疹飲食 濕 疹 症狀 濕疹出水 濕疹保濕 改善濕疹食物 濕疹戒口 濕疹傷口 改善濕疹 濕疹出水處理方法 敏感皮膚 皮膚紅疹 皮膚敏感紅腫 皮膚敏感症狀 皮膚屏障受損


除了西藥可以治療濕疹外,也有自然療法可以治療濕疹的。 首先,就是要攝取足夠的礦物質鋅和維他命A,而藥膏方面也可以選由波爪花或蘩縷製成的草本植物藥膏,每天塗沬數次。而月見草油也可以減輕濕疹的嚴重程度,控制病程。 當然,若能再配合飲食,把可能刺激濕疹的食物,如奶類食品、蛋類、及所有能誘發濕疹困擾的食物,並對濕疹戒口的話,濕疹斷尾會較為有可能。


濕疹症狀主要是有劇烈痕癢和皮膚出現紅腫發炎的現象,患有濕疹的朋友皮膚會比較乾燥,也會同時有鱗屑、皮膚出現破損,脫皮及水泡等情況。 最常出現濕疹的身體部位是在面部及四肢,膝部背面及內側也是常見濕疹的地方。而濕疹是沒有年齡的區分,嬰兒及老年人也會受濕疹的折磨。 當你發現自己有濕疹…

皮膚 敏感 紅 疹 面部皮膚敏感 轉季皮膚敏感 皮膚紅斑 皮膚 敏感 原因 皮膚屏障受損 芳香療法 濕疹止痕方法 濕 疹 傷口 好 不了 皮膚敏感 皮膚敏感粒粒 皮膚出疹 皮膚敏感紅腫痕



一、急性濕疹:起病急,可發於身體各部,但常見於前額、眼皮、頰部、耳鼻、四肢的曲側、腋窩、膕窩、女性乳房下 皺折處、陰囊、女陰和肛周,呈對稱性、瀰漫性和多形性,表現為皮膚潮紅、出現疹子、水泡、脫皮紅斑、丘疹、瘡疹、糜爛、滲液和結痂、有點濕濕黏黏的,邊界 不清,炎症反應明顯,癢或灼痛。也可有發熱和全身不適。


Topic revision: r2 - 2024-11-05 - SimpleJob
__Powering the Future: The Importance of Electric Vehicle Courses in Today’s Green Economy__


The rise of electric vehicles (EVs) is one of the most significant shifts in the automotive industry in recent history. Driven by the need for sustainable solutions to climate change and diminishing fossil fuel supplies, EVs have become a beacon for a greener future. With global EV sales projected to rise dramatically, so too is the demand for skilled professionals trained in EV technology. An electric vehicle course offers invaluable insights into this fast-evolving sector, helping participants build the skills needed to lead in an environmentally conscious world.

The Global Push for Electric Vehicles

Governments and industries worldwide are making significant moves to support the transition from traditional internal combustion engines to electric mobility. Countries like the United States, Norway, and China have introduced incentives to encourage EV purchases and set ambitious goals for EV adoption. EVs now make up a growing share of the global automotive market, with new models continually entering the market, covering everything from compact cars to heavy-duty trucks.

The primary driver of this transition is sustainability. EVs produce no tailpipe emissions, reducing urban pollution and significantly lowering greenhouse gas emissions compared to gasoline-powered vehicles. Additionally, as more countries invest in renewable energy sources like wind and solar power, EVs have the potential to operate on clean energy, making them an even greener choice.

Why Electric Vehicle Knowledge Matters

The growth of the EV market means there’s a growing demand for professionals who understand EV technology. Traditional automotive skills, while valuable, don’t cover the specifics of electric drivetrains, battery systems, or charging infrastructures. An EV course helps bridge this knowledge gap, giving students a solid foundation in EV-specific technologies.

These courses offer a comprehensive look at the core components that make EVs unique, including battery management systems, electric motors, and power electronics. As companies race to develop the next generation of EVs, employees who understand these components will be highly valued. For engineers, technicians, and even business strategists, an electric vehicle course can be the key to a successful career in this growing industry.

Key Topics Covered in Electric Vehicle Courses

  1. Battery Technology: The battery is the heart of every EV. Courses cover types of batteries used (like lithium-ion), battery management systems, thermal management, and safety protocols. Understanding battery technology is essential, as it directly impacts an EV’s range, charging time, and longevity.

  2. Electric Motors and Power Electronics: EVs rely on electric motors rather than internal combustion engines. Courses teach students about motor design, types of motors used (such as AC induction and permanent magnet motors), and the role of power electronics in controlling motor functions.

  3. Charging Infrastructure: Charging is a critical aspect of EV adoption. Courses often cover the types of charging (Level 1, 2, and DC fast charging), the infrastructure needed to support a large-scale EV rollout, and the challenges involved in deploying charging stations.

  4. Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) Technology: V2G technology allows EVs to feed energy back into the grid, creating a sustainable loop of energy consumption and supply. This is a growing field, especially with the rise in renewable energy sources that depend on grid storage.

  5. Policy and Environmental Impact: EV courses often address the policies shaping the industry, such as subsidies, carbon taxes, and environmental regulations. Understanding these policies is crucial for anyone looking to work in EV-related fields, as they impact market trends and technology development.

  6. Software and Diagnostics: Modern EVs are highly software-dependent, requiring advanced diagnostics and software skills. Courses teach students how to manage and troubleshoot EV software systems, from performance monitoring to safety diagnostics.

Career Opportunities for EV Course Graduates

Completing an EV course opens doors to a wide array of career paths. Some popular options include:

  • EV Design Engineer: Working on the design of electric motors, batteries, and other core components.

  • Battery Engineer: Specializing in the development and management of EV batteries.

  • Charging Infrastructure Manager: Overseeing the installation and maintenance of EV charging networks.

  • Policy Analyst: Working with governments or NGOs to develop policies that support EV adoption.

  • Software Developer: Focusing on software solutions specific to EVs, such as diagnostic and performance software.

Why Now is the Time to Enroll in an EV Course

As the EV industry expands, competition for skilled professionals is increasing. Enrolling in an EV course today can give students a significant edge in the job market, helping them develop the skills necessary to excel in this innovative field. With the global push toward electric mobility, these skills are only going to grow in demand.

Many EV courses now offer hands-on experience through partnerships with leading automotive companies, allowing students to apply their knowledge in real-world settings. These partnerships are a critical component of modern EV courses, as they give students invaluable insights and connections in the industry.

Selecting the Right EV Course

Not all EV courses are created equal. When choosing a course, consider the following factors:

  1. Curriculum Depth: Ensure the course covers both the fundamentals of EV technology and emerging trends.

  2. Hands-On Learning: Look for courses with practical components, such as labs or projects.

  3. Industry Connections: Some courses offer partnerships or internships with automotive companies, which can be beneficial for career prospects.

  4. Expert Instructors: Courses taught by industry professionals can provide practical insights that purely academic programs might lack.


The electric vehicle industry is transforming transportation and playing a critical role in the transition to a more sustainable future. As demand for EVs and supporting infrastructure grows, so does the need for skilled professionals. Enrolling in an EV course provides invaluable knowledge, practical skills, and a competitive edge in this rapidly evolving field. For those passionate about sustainability, technology, and innovation, an EV course is a powerful step toward a fulfilling and impactful career.

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