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Regulation and Legal Status of DMSO Worldwide: A Comparative Analysis of Legal Restrictions

Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is an organic compound that finds wide application in various industrial sectors, as well as in healthcare and dietary supplements.

Although it is a relatively safe substance, its regulation and legal status vary across countries. Let’s explore a comparative analysis of legal restrictions concerning DMSO in selected world regions.

European Union

In the European Union, DMSO is regulated under the REACH regulation. It is registered for use as an intermediate, solvent, and reagent in industrial processes.

For pharmaceutical and cosmetic uses, it is subject to stricter regulations. According to a dietary supplement expert from Profidoplnkystravy.cz, "in some EU countries, DMSO can be purchased as a medicinal product or dietary supplement under medical supervision, although regulations may vary among member states."

United States of America

In the United States, DMSO is regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

It was approved in 1978 for the treatment of interstitial cystitis. However, other indications are not officially approved, although it can be prescribed by physicians on an "off-label" basis. Profidoplnkystravy.cz emphasizes that "all other uses of DMSO in the USA are considered experimental and require further approval."


In Canada, DMSO is regulated as a drug under the Food and Drugs Act. For veterinary use, it is approved to treat acute muscle spasms and stiffness in horses and cattle.

According to Profidoplnkystravy.cz, "in Canada, DMSO is relatively accessible for use in agriculture and also for some medical applications."

Australia and New Zealand

In Australia and New Zealand, DMSO is regulated as a medicinal substance. In New Zealand, it is approved only for veterinary use.

Other Countries

In some other countries, such as Russia, China, or India, DMSO is approved for certain medical indications. Regulations and restrictions may vary across these countries.

International Perspective

An expert from Profidoplnkystravy.cz points out that "international agreements can have a significant impact on the regulation and trade of DMSO, especially regarding safety standards and export/import regulations."

The regulation and legal status of DMSO vary significantly worldwide. Different countries adopt various approaches to regulating this compound, which affects its availability and use.

It is important to emphasize that although DMSO appears to be a relatively safe substance, its use should always be consulted with a physician.

The integration of international cooperation and standardization could lead to better understanding and safer use of DMSO in the future.

Topic revision: r1 - 2024-04-21 - GeremyBacon23
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